

Social Media

Where does an organization find their audience?

I'm involved in a foundation/organization in the Philippines called "little hands" which helps poor children with their needs. We need to reach out to more people. Where do we find the people willing to donate? What's our target audience? And as far as paid advertising, which one is better - Facebook (or twitter) or google ads?

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Ali Maadelat

President at The Lorenz Marketing Group

This is not a sarcastic comment: you hire a marketer or marketing firm that knows what they are doing. Marketing is a science and art that requires skill-- it's like a doctor/surgeon for your company.

You wouldn't do open heart surgery on yourself-- why would you try to do surgery on your company?

If you'd like more help, feel free to set up a call.

Answered almost 11 years ago

Tom Williams

Clarity's top expert on all things startup

I created one of the World's first microphilanthropy websites which distributed over $3m in donations to over 1000 charitable projects around the World from over 115,000 members.
I have experience in observing the differences in individual giving preferences for relief vs development mandates.

The vast majority of impulse-giving for the Philippines is currently being directed to relief organizations capable of doing the heavy-lifting of relief operations. I would suggest that it is difficult to raise money for anything that isn't relief-oriented. That said, I think small organizations are really ill-equipped to do relief work, so it would be disingenuous to raise relief money.

If your organization works in an area which has been directly impacted by the recent disaster, then creating a narrative around the work you've been doing and how that work must change based on the disaster is a strong case for an appeal. The problem with an online fundraising campaign right now is that you're competing against deep-pocketed relief organizations who will outspend you on any kind of auction-based ad market.

I would suggest that you have a better chance of creating a compelling video and asking your existing supporters to share that video than currently trying to spend money on an ad campaign.

Here is a link for a free call to me. Please note, anyone attempting to use this link who is not the question asker, I will not accept the call.

I'm happy to talk to you in a quick call if I can provide further clarity.

Answered almost 11 years ago

Walter Rivera

Puerto Rico's Commercial Film Producer

Hi, Walter here.
There are three excellent channels to reach potential donors. You did mentioned Facebook and Twitter. I will recommend as follows:
1. Pinterest: Sets of two pictures (side by side) conveying the beauty outcome of a donation compared to the actual misery of the situation. Link each individually to a video on YouTube presenting a follow up of each picture outcomes, giving or not giving a donation.
2. YouTube:
A. Link the videos to Pinterest (one of the top 100 sites n the world) so when pictures are click on Pinterest the person is taken to your video.
B. Now link your video to a capture page offering two options to click on, the same Pinterest photos. Ask them... a simple Can you guess the age of the picture on the right? (That's the actual condition photo with no donation) A drop box with two options in each photo with the approximate age. One the person clicks on any, will be taken to your website with a personal video from one of those kids thanking for your about to give donation.
It is a 30 seconds video telling the viewer "I will keep you inform how I am doing in the coming days. Ask for the email of the person to send him that updated video.
C. Underneath the email request box, once the email is accepted, place a two option box with a $10.00 and a Can You? box to click on. Once click place the donation page in front of the person.
D. Send an automatic email, once added by the person on the email request page, with the same page with two options as a back up/reminder.
E. Referral: A second email to the person, one week later on Sunday at 9AM and another at 2PM with a 30 seconds video as a follow up on the kid status but this time from you. Show your face and thanks them for the email submission. Report an update of the kid with the photo. A very short video.
F Facebook Fan Page; Create a Facebook page with your face smiley face thanking for the support and placing updates. Sent links to all emails acquired above.
G: Vine: Here is a 6 seconds video... same to photos above, your face and Thanks poster. Place them on the emails out to the list acquired.
There is more to this, but you have the idea. It is a process so you can be know, liked and trust. Once the persons Know, Like and Trust you, your entity, they will be there for you.

Answered almost 11 years ago

Paul Newnham

Intrepenuer for Global organisations

This a very open question. My advice is start with who you know and either are connected to you or individuals in your organisation or to the area you work in and cause. There is many ways to target and segment to create a strategy for marketing and building a donor base. I have done this in a range of countries over the past 13 years and there is no one way to do it but there is common mistakes. There is a distinct difference between Marketing and Fundraising so engage some one that can help you in one you want. The first questions I would want you to answer is who are you already engaged with in your inner and outer circle. From this I would then help you work out if they are possible donors or advocates. Then you can work out clear on ramps for them to help you raise awareness and drive action in the form of donations. Book in a call if you want to explore further.

Answered over 9 years ago

Joy Broto

🌎Harvard Certified Global Corporate Trainer🌍

Establishing a target audience is a critical step in making sure the correct tone and messaging techniques are being used during your campaigns. It is in your best interest to understand what, how and why you need to address target audiences during your campaigns. Every target audience has specific interests and may engage differently with your campaigns. For some marketing campaigns, you want to get as granular as targeting males in their 20’s who have dogs and make over $30,000 a year.
In the same way, you agree on or work with achievable business goals, it is essential to set a target-able, reachable audience. By finding that target audience, you can tailor or craft messages that appeal specifically to that group, to ensure that it is striking a chord with them, and ultimately gain their attention. You can choose to advertise only in those that resonate with the specific audience. By doing this, you will save money, get a better ROI, and reduce wasted audience.

Sometimes, it is necessary to consider the number of audiences you are targeting. That is because marketing tends to be an awfully specific, creative, and focused process. Once you know who your target audience really is, you will be able to hone in on and convey a stronger, more direct message, which will ultimately lead to more conversions for your company and an impressive ROI. It is also important to clarify that it is okay to come up with separate marketing campaigns for each segment or target audience.

Depending on your brand or the objectives of the campaign, specific audiences may hold a higher value to you. Targeting high-value groups for your business and customizing messaging to reach audiences leads to a higher ROI. Rather than digging through a haystack in hopes of finding a needle, you can adjust your campaign messaging to be like a magnet that brings the needle, your target audience, to you. Even today, marketing digitally without knowing how to find your target audience can waste time and energy, which can affect your bottom line significantly.

A target audience is an audience that, when you reach them, are more likely to convert to sales because their purchasing interests coincide with what you are selling. By selecting different target audiences and focusing on the portion of the people who would be most interested in your products or services, you are allowing yourself to communicate and engage with that segment more personally. Follow this step-by-step process to identify your target audience, based on where you are now, and where you want to be in future campaigns.
When you are identifying your target audience, it is important also to determine the features of your product or service. You must take many of these things into account before figuring out who will be on the receiving end of your marketing efforts. These are the people that will make up your target audience. Keep in mind when thinking about how to market to your target audience that today’s consumers do not like to be “sold to”.

By learning how to identify your target audience and marketing to that group, you are giving them that control. If you are already in business, defining your target audience can be as easy as looking at your best customers. But to find your target audience, and what they want, you will also need to better understand the competition. Another source for finding your target audience is your existing or best customers. The more information you have, the easier it is to identify and reach your target audience. If you already have access to a data management platform, you should consult the audience analytics you have available to learn even more.
You could skip right to defining your target audience, but there is a chance you will make a mistake and focus on the wrong customers. That is why it is always a good idea to discover your market first, then move on to your target audience. Naturally, you get right to creating and managing a variety of marketing campaigns and promotions tailored to this audience. Unless you already have collected the necessary data, you do not know whether you are missing out on other audiences or customers just because you narrowed down your focus too quickly. Specifics are necessary as the last step, yes, but you want to be as accurate as possible when choosing your focus, which includes looking at a broader audience to start.
Besides if you do have any questions give me a call:

Answered almost 4 years ago