

Corporate Finance

do you advice on all aspects of running a ecommerce business such as marketing , banking etc?

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Dr. Parker

Professional Comprehensive Life Coach


For USA based businesses – we consult on everything from conceptualization to completion, including federal, state, and local laws/regulations, etc. We even provide referrals for Branding (Logo/Product Packaging, etc.), Website Building & Security, SEO, Google Search, etc.

If you know what you want to sell (and it is not prohibited by law), we are able to provide clarity to have you up and running within 30-days on average.

Answered almost 4 years ago

Joy Broto

🌎Harvard Certified Global Corporate Trainer🌍

Electronic commerce, commonly written as E-Commerce, is the trading in products or services using computer networks, such as the Internet. Electronic commerce draws on technologies such as mobile commerce, electronic funds transfer, supply chain management, Internet marketing, online transaction processing, electronic data interchange (EDI), inventory management systems, and automated data collection systems. Modern electronic commerce typically uses the World Wide Web for at least one part of the transaction’s life cycle, although it may also use other technologies such as E-Mail.
E-Commerce businesses may employ some or all the following:
1. Online shopping websites for retail sales direct to consumers,
2. Providing or participating in online marketplaces, which process third-party business-to-consumer or consumer-to-consumer sales,
3. Business-to-business buying and selling,
4. Gathering and using demographic data through Web contacts and social media,
5. Business-to-business electronic data interchange,
6. Marketing to prospective and established customers by E-Mail or fax (for example, with newsletters),
7. Engaging in pretail for launching new products and services.
Pretail (also referred to as pre-retail, or pre-commerce) is a sub-category of E-Commerce and online retail for introducing new products, services, and brands to market by pre-launching online, sometimes as reservations in limited quantity before release, realization, or commercial availability. Pretail includes pre-sale commerce, pre-order retailers, incubation marketplaces, and crowdfunding communities.
Another approach to define and explain, what E-Commerce is, comes from the so-called 5-C-model (Zwass 2014). It defines E-Commerce by five activity domains whose denominations start with the letter “C”:
1. Commerce:
i. In the electronic marketplaces there is a matching of customers and suppliers, an establishing of the transaction terms, and the facilitation of exchange transactions.
ii. With the broad move to the Web-enabled enterprise systems with relatively uniform capabilities as compared to the legacy systems, a universal supply-chain linkage has been created.
2. Collaboration:
i. The Web is a vast nexus, or network, of relationships among firms and individuals.
ii. More or fewer formal collaborations are created or emerge on the Web to bring together individuals engaged in knowledge work in a manner that limits the constraints of space, time, national boundaries, and organizational affiliation.
3. Communication:
i. As an interactive medium, the Web has given rise to a multiplicity of media products.
ii. This universal medium has become a forum for self-expression (as in blogs) and self-presentation (as, for an example, in Polyvore:
iii. The rapidly growing M-Commerce (see below) enables connectivity in context, with location-sensitive products and advertising.
iv. In the communications domain, the Web also serves as a distribution channel for digital products.
4. Connection:
i. Common software development platforms, many of them in the open-source domain, enable a wide spectrum of firms to avail themselves of the benefits of the already developed software, which is, moreover, compatible with that of their trading and collaborating partners.
ii. The Internet, as a network of networks that is easy to join and out of which it is relatively easy to carve out virtual private networks, is the universal telecommunications network, now widely expanding in the mobile domain.
5. Computation:
i. Internet infrastructure enables large-scale sharing of computational and storage resources, thus leading to the implementation of the decades-old idea of utility computing.

Thus, once you have understood what e-commerce it is will be lot easier to explain how to be successful in it. Here are the following steps you can take to be successful in running e-commerce business:
1. Do not rush the launch: One of the biggest mistakes unsuccessful ecommerce entrepreneurs make is forcing or rushing the launch of a website. You only get one shot at launching your website and you cannot mess this up. While it’s okay to purchase your domain name and throw up some sort of “Coming Soon” page, you should avoid the big reveal until you’ve laid some substantial ground work (SEO, content marketing, social media, paid advertising, etc.).
2. Put the focus on the user: It’s no secret that the biggest shortcoming of ecommerce businesses is the inability to let their customers touch, feel, smell, and see (first-hand) products before making a decision. While there is currently no solution for solving this problem, you can compensate for this deficiency in other areas of the business. Some of the best tips include offering appropriate pricing, giving free shipping, and making the checkout process easy with simplified shopping carts.
3. Test absolutely everything: Before, during and after you launch any ecommerce business, you should invest in testing and analytics. Think like the customer and figure out what is working, what is not, and the why behind those answers.
4. Work closely with social: Any ecommerce entrepreneur that tells you he outsources social media or delegates it to other team members is crazy. Social media is the heartbeat of your business, as it gives you an uninterrupted glance into the lives of your customers. While it is perfectly fine to have a social-media manager, it’s pertinent that you’re involved with it, too.
5. Incorporate social elements: Going along with the previous tip, it is a great idea to include social elements on your ecommerce sites. Things like product reviews and testimonials follow buttons and even social login options all help the conversion funnel.
6. Go mobile: Bill Siwicki of Internet Retailer references Goldman Sachs, saying, “Tablets will play an increasingly important role as worldwide consumer spending via mobile jumps from $204 billion in 2014 to $626 billion in 2018” If you aren’t building ecommerce businesses with mobile in mind, you may be irrelevant in three to five years.
7. Stay on top of SEO: As the ecommerce economy experiences rapid growth, more and more businesses will be entering this increasingly crowded space. That means it will be more important than ever to stay on top of SEO in order to stand out from the competition. Connecting with a skilled SEO will help you stay competitive in the long run.
8. Collect information: Unless you plan on launching a single site and stepping away (most entrepreneurs are tempted to keep trying), it’s critical that you collect customer information and build databases to aid future launches.
9. Continue evolving: Finally, never stop evolving. Technology, trends, and customer tastes will change, and so must you if you want to succeed in such a variable market.
Besides if you do have any questions give me a call:

Answered about 4 years ago

Robert Goodman

President of Technical Interviewers

In my experience very few consultants advise on all aspects of running an ecommerce business. Instead they specialize in whatever fields they're good at. For example, I'm from a tech background and do recruiting, and I advise on hiring and managing software developers. I have a friend who advises on marketing. I know someone else who does accounting. And so on.

Answered about 4 years ago

Ripul Chhabra

AI & MVP Expert

While running eCommerce business you might find these tools very helpful:

Xero - online accounting software program - you can seamlessly integrate it with Shopify way to amaka.
Stay session - consultation replay software program qualitative analytics - for improving UX. Cloudtalk - for customer service thru a cloud-primarily based smartphone system.
Liveagent - for omnichannel customer service.
Kontentino - for scheduling social media posts and reporting.
Rocketlink - for shortening urls and adding retargeting pixels to them for particular concentrated on in destiny campaigns. You may additionally upload ctas and pop-united statesto the links you shorten.
Adzooma - for optimizing your social media and google commercials campaigns routinely. Jooksms - bulk text & sms messaging carrier.
Filecamp - digital asset management software for storing and sharing your documents.

I've successfully helped over 150 entrepreneurs, startups, and businesses, and I would be happy to help you. Please send me more information before scheduling a call - so I can give you maximum value for your money. Take a look at the great reviews I’ve received:

Answered about 4 years ago

Bob Schwartz

Building Great Companies! Enabling Others Success

Love eCommerce and I've been at it since it started and love it (well its just retail but with real time information and results!) Sounds like you are new to it all and perhaps to your own business?

I knew there where some great blogs on your topic and recalled Shopify had a good one so my quick google surfaced this, it likely answers all your basic questions.
ecommerce business blueprint

If this is too basics and or you want deeper success insights, Happy to take a call as Ive built/led/grown ecom businesses that do $100M to $billions, as well as technology companies that power eCommerce (Magento, Temando, Wpromote...)

Enjoy your jouney!

Answered almost 4 years ago

Muhammad Junaid

Verified Computer/IT Expert

If you want to start an ecommerce business then first you need to know about your product. if your product is sellable and it can make profit then decide the platform for an ecommerce business. In order to create an ecommerce store you also you need to know about the product sourcing and it's delivery.
if you need to discuss more please schedule a call and you get all the information you need.

Answered almost 4 years ago