

Job search

I'm jobless and out of money and I have tried a lot of jobs. How can I make money from the internet?

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Jean Sheridan

Well-being Coach make the change you want to see

If you're coming from a place of panic and desperation, you may find it difficult to get anything up and running. What are your job skills? What do you like to do? You may very well have to do work that is not your ideal, but can give you an income, and build from there. If you would like more specific help with your particular situation, please set up a phone session.

Answered almost 6 years ago

Johnny Amicci

eCommerce, Youtuber, Side Hustles

Have you ever made any money online in the past? Have you ever started a blog or grown a social media following?

I ask to get a better idea what skills and/or experience you may have. If you have none it's possible but it's going to be a long game plan, not something to put money in your pocket in the next couple weeks.

There's so many things you can get into from ecommerce to freelancing to creating content and doing affiliate programs or cpa deals.

The easiest way to get started will be to start on a platform like Fiverr, Amazon Merch or Amazon Associates, eBay, etc. That way it makes things a bit easier because you have them bringing you some organic traffic.

You could also do something offline and pickup free items off Craigslist and flip on eBay or Offerup, clean garages, pickup dog poop, tutor, mow lawns, powerwash, etc, etc, etc.

If you'd like to add a bit more of your skill-sets and past experiences it would be easier to give you a clearer direction to go in.

Answered almost 6 years ago

Brandon Herrera

Clarity Expert

Similar to what the other two said.

You need to identify people’s problems, needs, desires and wants.

Go to google trends... type a bunch of stuff you think people want or need.

For example (Dog Collars)

Type that in google trends. See if you think there is a demand in this. If so, great. Perhaps you can start a Shopify store (plenty of YouTube tutorials or even knowledge from me) and create a brand around dog collars and products. Perhaps do YouTube reviews on them and leave affiliate links.

Or if you don’t have ANY money, sell what you really don’t need. If you don’t use it every day. Consider selling it.


....Identify a problem, and offer a solution (your product)

Answered almost 6 years ago

Max Koester

Entrepreneur. Sales. Marketing. Hustle. Period.


Thank you for your question.

I assume that what you need is a fast solution (less research, skill building, web or product development) you can access right now.

Therefore the easiest way is to create a free sellers account on platforms like Fiverr, Upwork, and alike. Depending on your experience and current skill set you can offer a small "job". If you have no idea on what you could offer - simply browse those platforms to get inspired and get an idea on what the price tags usually are and how the successful "players" promote themselfes.

If you ever have any question or want to know how to exactly leverage those platforms fast, Im looking forward to talk to you in more detail.

Keep up the hustle!


Answered almost 6 years ago

Jonathan Blaine

Solutions-focused management leader

Unlike the other advice here, I doubt that Shopify (or similar) is an answer for anyone in this situation. The glory days of people making money this way out of the gate are long past, as the market is over-saturated. The Internet is overflowing with these storefronts that drop ship products from Asia, as well as horror stories from those who failed after investing lots of time and money. In fact, if your sales target is the US, the US administration is planning to kill the agreement that allowed super-cheap shipping from China. This is a land mine that only those with deep pockets, or at least, supplemental income to fund it while/if it gets going. "Making money from the Internet" is more failure than success and, to quote from Casablanca, there are vultures everywhere. Tread cautiously.

Answered almost 6 years ago

Maria Berger

PhD in Psychology of Achievements

As a professional success and achievement coach with over 30 years of experience I believe that you, like everyone else, have unique gifts to serve others and possibility use those gifts to gain income. However your strategy of searching for the source of income is wrong. Stop "trying" different jobs but take effort to find yours true calling to serve the society instead.

Start from the opposite strategy, even if this way of thinking will seem very strange from the point of view in your life situation at this moment. Imagine that you have all money and resources what you need. With this in mind look around to the World and society in your area and ask yourself what you will improve to make people’s lives better. Take time to reflect on this or even discuss it with friends and family. The next step is to search for job or your own business activity where you can, even partially participate in realization of this goal. Learn from others and gain experience to be closer to your goal. This can also build trust between you and your boss and help you stay in job even if you’re facing difficulties.

Is also important if you know yourself. Learn about your character strengths. You can take following online free survey to discover your character strengths:
The next step will be to find activities (including job or business) where you can have the best opportunity to use your character strengths.

If you want start making money online you should have your idea for the World first. This will help you choose the right online platform for your activity.

Feel free to contact me If you have more questions or want me to assist you in the process of choosing the right job or business.

Answered almost 6 years ago

Samuel Wellington

History teacher

Working online at home for many who have lost their jobs or for one reason or another can not get a job in a company for a staff position is an opportunity to earn at least some money. I found my ideal job at and I am engaged in writing fascinating articles for students, if you have good writing skills I advise you to find the same job. But in order to determine what new profession you can master in a short period of time, you need to analyze what skills you already have in your asset.

Answered about 3 years ago