


What is the best way to get started on Clarity if I already have an existing audience elsewhere?

Until now have only offered hourly or monthly coaching programs, so I'm interested in incorporating my Clarity profile into what I already offer.

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David C

I help you buy, sell, plan, value a business

I've been in your shoes.

Here's how Clarity has helped me:
1. I meet new people on Clarity who call me, sometimes more than once, then migrate over to my other programs or buy online courses or products.
2. I promote my Clarity page to my existing tribe. What I find is that some people like to talk to me and make sure I'm 'real' before investing in courses or programs that they've been considering.
3. Sometimes when people want a 'quick talk' I send them to my Clarity profile simply to have Clarity take care of the billing, payment and scheduling.
4. Whenever someone asks if I can join them by phone or skype to 'pick my brain,' I respond with my Clarity page link. This derails the free-consulting seekers.

Hope this helps.

Check out and see how I use Clarity on both my main page and on the 'I Need David's Help' tab.

If you want to chat further, just book a call.


Answered over 8 years ago

Jessica Oman

Business Plan Superhero + Start-Up Concierge

I'm just getting started with Clarity. I have a few free calls booked (I just asked my existing audience if they'd like to book for free) and that should give me a few testimonials.

I've also set my rate to half of what it normally is, to encourage people to book calls. I'll raise it later after I've worked with a few people.

I will follow up with those who book calls if I think they're a good fit for my business plan bootcamp or other programs.

Answered over 8 years ago

Ann Pham

Dynamic and inspiring business life coach

Hi, I am Ann, a business coach. I believe you are also a coach, right?

Clarity has offered a way that you can link your Clarity profile to your blog.
Choose "Edit Profile", then look on the right bar and click "Add A Blog Widget". Copy and paste the embed code to your blog plug-ins.
Then done!

I would love to make good connections with coaches all over the world. Should you have any question, please remember Ann is here to help!

Have a nice day!

Answered over 8 years ago