

Team Building

How/where to get a CTO/architect onboard?

No capital yet. Liquid strapped. I'm sure equity would be the answer but aren't all the great tech Dev. taken? Especially if there's no liquid. Thoughts please...

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Dan Jacobs

Serial entrepreneur, mentor, advisor, interim CTO

It's a tough ask because there are so many people looking for developers to work for free and not enough developers around to fill the paid jobs.

However, there are some people who if they love the idea might come on board, more likely as a side project.

To find tech co-founders have a look at the following sites:

There are also meetups and networking events for founders to find tech co-founders try looking through for ones local to you.

Answered almost 9 years ago

Nefin John

Technology, Data, Product and Startups

“Every generation imagines itself to be more intelligent than the one that went before it, and wiser than the one that comes after it.” --― George Orwell

But is it true ?

Are all great tech taken ? There are plenty people who are above average in everything. You don't need the best programmer in the world to be a CTO / Architect.

1) In the lack of capital, the only thing you got is your DREAM. Sell the dream and only hire someone who believes in the product/idea. Ask him what his opinion about the product is and how it can be made better.

2) His(or her) and your wavelength should match - If you are the CEO guy, he should be able read you and you should speak a common language or have a similar thought process. CEO owns the product and CTO delivers it.

What skills should you be looking for
1) Technical - If you need CTO/Architect , don't look for a programmer. A word-press or a .net programmer can be your co-founder but he need to have that big picture vision of product. Architects have a high view of product architecture and the 360 Deg view solution delivery. Need not be an expert in everything but should be able to get things done my other developers. ARCHITECT/CTO IS A MINDSET. You need to find people with that mindset.

How to find people with CTO Mindset
1) Ask them about how to build something like facebook. Check if they talk about Performance, scalability, caching,availability etc..
2) Ask how to do it lean (cheap) - They should be able to give you a ROADMAP (that is the skill you are looking for).
3) Are they aware of what is happening in the industry. Ask them what they read and listen to. Your OUTPUT is a SUBSET of you INPUT

Hope that helped. Let me know if you need any friendly help. I am at


Answered almost 9 years ago

Sofiia Sovchenko


Navigating the challenge of bringing a CTO or architect on board when you're currently low on capital is a common concern for many startups. Equity can indeed be a compelling option, but finding the right talent, especially in a competitive tech landscape, can be challenging.

In your situation, considering a "CTO as a Service" could be a strategic move. Cleveroad offers a comprehensive CTO as a Service that can provide you with the expertise and guidance you need without the immediate financial burden of hiring a full-time CTO. You can explore more about their services here:

This approach allows you to access high-level technical expertise on a flexible basis, aligning with your current capital constraints. Cleveroad's CTO as a Service can help you make informed decisions regarding technology, guide your development strategy, and ensure you're on the right path as you build your startup.

Feel free to reach out if you have more questions or if there's anything specific you'd like to discuss further regarding your startup and technology needs. Cleveroad's experience in providing strategic technology guidance could be instrumental in navigating your current challenges.

Answered 10 months ago