

Web Analytics

How can I track all of my customers conversions, clicks, etc on a limited budget?

Hello Guys and Gals, I am building a web app for local SMB's that will enable merchants with the ability to create their own shopping cart page on my website. I will be charging a monthly recurring fee for this service. I am interested in tracking conversion events, identify abandonment in the signup, as well as where we are losing people in the check out process. It would also be nice to use the data in a simple to understand UI. Additionally, I would like to enable my signed up merchants with the ability to track bounce rate, conversions, clicks, and shopping cart abandonment on their personal page so they can track ROI on my platform. Under the super admin area I need a way so that I can easily track all customers in one simple to UI so I can see overall what people are buying, where we are losing people, etc. I have a limited budget now and would like to know can this be accomplished with Google Analytics? If not, what other service would you recommend?

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Shaun Nestor

Content Marketing Advisor & Agency Consultant

Much, if not all, of what you are looking for can be accomplished in Google Analytics using their Conversion Goals. I am not sure about *all* of it - specifically the information you want the merchants to have access to.

There are tools that do analytics better and more detailed for applications like this, but GA is the best for your price point. You will want to plan for growth and moving to a more comprehensive solution, as your web app grows.

Questions, comments, concerns, gripes, compliments or complaints? Book a call.

Answered about 10 years ago

Jennifer Ping

Founder at Universal Insights Analytics

The short answer to your question is YES YOU CAN USE GOOGLE ANALYTICS. But to be exact, you will need to develop a script to connect to the GA Reporting analytics to extract segmented data.

There would be 3 major components to this functionality.
1. dashboard graphics - you can puchase templates online which have very nice looking graphics that you can weave into your superadmin

2. GA Planning - understanding the structure of your website, how to filter and segment information to isolate each individual vendor and generate queries to extract individual vendor information

3. GA Integration - The development aspect of connecting your platform to GA's Reporting API, delivering proper query notation to extract information, and rendering the information into your template format for front end display

So depending on if you're a developer yourself, this can be a low cost DIY project where the only part you will most likely need help in is in the GA Planning part. You can consult an expert like myself to help you draft to ensure you are capturing the right information for your clients.

Alternatively, I myself am building a platform that allows users to easily deliver infographic type reporting with highly segmented GA information. We may be able to deliver a cost effect way for you to integrate with your system. Check out to find out more.

I hope this helps to solve your problem and feel free to schedule a call to discuss any details or if you require further assistance with the GA planning stage.

Jennifer Ping

Answered about 10 years ago