

Web development

What is the best technology for creating web based project?

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Dallas Kashuba

Haven't had a boss since I was 23.

The best technology is whatever gets you up and running the quickest. You'll throw away the first iteration (and possibly the second and third...) anyway. What you need most in the beginning is to test your idea and get feedback, and you need it fast.

Answered about 10 years ago

Sara Shikhman

Founder Rent A Gent, $10M revenue in 2 years @BFD

1. The threshold question here is what business goals are you trying to accomplish with this web based project, what is your budget, what human resources you have and what your deadline is.
2. Assuming your budget is $0 to $1000 and you are looking to do e-commerce, I would recommend a solution like because the cost is minimal, the technical knowledge required is minimal and time spent is minimal.
3. If your budget is $1000-$5000, I would recommend using a combination of Wordpress and a theme from
4. If your budget is $5000-$25,000, I would recommend either Shopify or Magento Community.
5. If your budget is $25,000+ and you have programming resources and more than 6 months to complete your project I would need to ask you lots of additional questions to give you a more complete answer.

Answered about 10 years ago

Tom Maiaroto

Full Stack Creative Technologist

Like other have said it really depends on what you're trying to accomplish. That said, I often find PHP and MongoDB (or any other NoSQL database with good PHP support) a good fit for rapid development on a budget. Those technologies just work really really well in the startup space. Node.js also works and fits just as well as PHP.

The reason why I'm even mentioning some languages and databases here (without any known requirements) is simply for cost and speed.

NoSQL database make it easy to change your mind about schema (not that you shouldn't be paying attention to it). That's important to a prototype and an MVP.

PHP or Node.js (with a good framework) make it easy and FAST to build out your MVP and actually will scale. They are not "just" for prototyping needs. They're very capable languages.

There's two important thing to keep in mind here with PHP/Node.js:

1. Easy to code means lower learning curve and the likelihood of finding a bunch of developers who can built it for you (and that gives you a good range in terms of salary/contract rate)

2. TONS of open-source libraries/modules for you to leverage. The less wheel re-inventing, the faster things come together. You also benefit from open-source in that you have many eyeballs on any given project to help catch bugs, security issues, etc.

Again if you can even use PHP or Node.js or MongoDB is completely up to your application's requirements...But from a business point of view, you may want to be looking at things in this manner (not that PHP and Node.js and MongoDB are your only options either by the way).

Answered about 10 years ago

Vinish Garg

Narrative Driven Product UX, Design, Sales

It depends on so many factors, what kind of product you plan to develop, for what kind of audience, and what message you want to communication and what value your audience gets.
If you cannot share your business idea for privacy issues, you can share a couple of references that match your vision, so that the experts could suggest accurately.

Answered about 10 years ago

Pete Moss

Bitcoin - Cryptocurrency - Marketing Strategist

Wow, you need to SERIOUSLY drill down and ask a lot of questions before you can decide. Consult with online software engineers, describe your project to them and work through a little Q/A session to come up with some good leads.

There is no "best technology" ... there are only different technologies for different needs.

If b "web based project" you are simple referring to a website, perhaps with different systems like a blog, forum or social networking capabilities - I recommend WordPress because it has the most modular features built out already in plugins, along with lots of theme options. BuddyPress gives a lot of possibilities for creating user-based websites.

Answered about 10 years ago

Nathan Sudds

Founder @ ActiveLabs Coach @

We all have to start somewhere, so thanks for asking this question. Sure, it's been said a few times here already that more detail is needed to provide a solid answer and even then it will come down to preferences of the team and goals of the first version. That being said, to give you some direction -- I'd recommend starting your web based project with a web based project management system to flesh out the ideas. Even there you have a million choices from free visual collaboration options like Trello ( to industry standard software as a service project management systems like Basecamp ( to self hosted solutions like activeCollab ( I suggest collaboration tools because at some point you'll want to involve others in this project, it's in your best interest -- friends, advisors, contractors, maybe even clients and investors depending on what type of project it is.

Finding people on Clarity that could help you with fleshing this out would be good, people who know what they are talking about because they have launched web based projects before (and products, because projects and products are very different).

I'm happy to discuss anything from vetting your idea to make sure it's even worth building to what tools you might consider using to build it and where to find the team to help you do that (or where to learn if you are thinking of building it yourself).

Also I would tap into resources like books that get you thinking about Minimum Viable Products (like Lean Startup) and sites like Mixergy ( who interview people who have created businesses and web-based tools to learn from what they did well and from their mistakes. There are so many more things I could suggest for reading from blogs, books, videos and more but starting small is good to not overwhelm yourself. Most importantly though is making sure someone actually needs and wants what you are building before you invest all your time and energy into creating it (not to mention money). I have learned this (almost) from my work in developing products and doing web projects. Building something doesn't mean it will sell or be profitable so doing everything you can to validate that first is really important.

The world is open to you and a Clarity question is a great start, always remember that more specific questions will get you much more useful answers and save you time in the long run too.

Another great tool for planning and thinking things through might be MindMeister -- or another Mindmapping tool, it's great when you don't have a linear understanding of what's needed yet and you just want to get your ideas down while they are fresh on your mind then organize them later.

Hope this is helpful and feel free to schedule a call if you have follow up questions that I can help with.

Answered about 10 years ago

Dave Hecker

Outsourcing Expert Gives Unbiased Advice

Choosing a technology platform for your application is a big decision, so you are wise to consider it carefully. I would strongly agree with the answers above that say 'there is no best technology', and I would caution you against taking advice from anyone who actually suggests a technology based on your question - it's not possible to choose a platform without any details so anyone who is trying to do so it not being your advocate.

Choosing a stack, contrary to what many developers will tell you, is largely a business decision and not a technical one. Most applications can be built with just about any technology, and many of the considerations will be related to budget, hiring resources, hosting, culture, etc. and not specifically to how the code works. Tech is important, but an online business is still a business and you have to look at it that way.

My recommendation to clients is to never get a tech stack recommendation from a developer that you are hiring to build your application - they will usually choose the stack that they love the most, and not necessarily the one that is best for you. Seek outside advice, and make a carefully considered decision about which platform(s) you are interested in using, then seek developers to build for you.

Here's a quick video on the topic:

Good luck!! Dave

Answered about 10 years ago

Lorien Pratt

Senior computer scientist focus on applied AI, DI

Some great advice in these answers. Here are some specific questions to ask:
1. Will you be selling to consumers or businesses? This will impact your choice of stack

2. What level of sophistication do you need in web functionality? If you simply need to display information, such as in a web site, then you will make a very different choice than if you are building an application with interactivity. If, in addition, you'll need to store data, then you'll need to make choices about the data back-end. If, in addition, you'll need to do a lot of processing on the server, then you're going to make a different choice than if your performance needs mean you can stick to client-side processing.

3. Have you validated the concept? If not, then consider starting with "pretotyping": building a landing page and an adwords campaign to test interest in your offering, and then doing A/B testing to pivot until you've found a point of resonance. This is particularly helpful for consumer plays. You can build this in less than a day.

5. If you're B2B then consider a B2B interview campaign. Even a short study, with a dozen or so participants, can go a very long way. Ask people who might ultimately be users to give you advice. There are some tricks to getting decision makers on the phone, too, in such a way that everybody wins.

6. What ultimate level of performance will your application need? Cloud- and web-hosted apps will eventually hit a point of diminishing returns. But you might not hit that for a very long time.

7. Will there be particular security or privacy requirements? This can have an impact on your cloud choices, and also on the software you'll need to build.

You should know that javascript has come a long way in the last two years: there is unprecedented power and functionality in the hundreds of javascript libraries out there. for instance, you can do gorgeous ray-traced, interactive 3D graphics in a web browser now, using a library like three.js. This is a sea change, imho.

Finally, I'd like to reiterate a point made above: get it out fast, get some feedback in whatever way makes sense to you. Technology is hard, but finding a fit of technology to a point of pain that really solves an important problem, and that isn't solved elsewhere, is hard to the power of hard. It's easy to get distracted by technology and technologists. Market/technology fit should always be your primary focus.

Answered about 10 years ago

Vikas Mantute

Scale cloud platform and application growth

Its depend your product and industry... Just like of your going for e-commerece I would refers online Ecom. Portal which is alreay you almost know, if you are going any payment portal just like wallet portal then you have to choose customs development like php, java, ruby. If you are going just information website go for CMD- content management system which is boost your information quickly and get fast the audiences interaction.

Answered over 8 years ago

Joy Broto

🌎Harvard Certified Global Corporate Trainer🌍

You probably know that computers do not communicate with each other the way that people do. Instead, computers require codes, or directions. These binary codes and commands allow computers to process needed information. Every second, billions upon billions of ones and zeros are processed to provide you with the information you need. The methods by which computers communicate with each other using mark-up languages and multimedia packages is known as web technology. In the past few decades, web technology has undergone a dramatic transition, from a few marked-up web pages to the ability to do extremely specific work on a network without interruption.
For the web-based projects these might be helpful:
1. Angular: Angular is one of the latest web technologies designed specifically for developing dynamic web applications. With this framework, you can easily create front-end based applications without needing to use other frameworks or plugins. The features include well-made templates, MVC architecture, code generation, code splitting etc. All the expressions are like code snippets that enclosed within curly braces and do not use any loops or conditional statements.
2. Ruby on Rails: Ruby on Rails is a server-side website technology that makes app development much easier and faster. The thing that really sets this framework apart is the reusability of the code as well as some other cool features that will help you get the job done in no time. Popular websites written with Ruby include Basecamp,, GitHub, 500px, and many others.
3. YII: Yii is an open-source web application development framework built in PHP5. It is performance-optimized and comes with several great tools for debugging and app testing. Another plus is that it is simple and easy to use.
4. Meteor JS: Meteor JS is written in Node.js and it makes it possible for you to create real-time web applications for different platforms. The framework for creating simple websites for personal use really stands out with Meteor JS. This is an open-source isomorphic JavaScript web framework which also means that the webpage loading time is significantly shorter. JavaScript stack also makes it possible to get the same results with fewer lines of code than usually.
5. Express.js: Developed in Node.js, Express.js is a web app development network that is great for those who need to develop apps and APIs as fast as possible. A lot of great features are provided with the help of plugins.
6. Zend: Zend is an open-source framework based on PHP, focused on building more secure and reliable web apps and services. It is one of the first enterprise-level MVC frameworks, which came before the current superhits such as Laravel or Symfony, and many popular PHP engines such as Magento were built in Zend. Today Zend is still under active development, and even though it may be less popular than its opensource siblings, it is a great solution for a large-scale PHP app.
7. Django: Django is one of the most popular frameworks written in Python and follows MVC architecture. It makes the app development process much easier thanks to its simplicity. Django simplifies using Python a lot and provides multiple tools that make a web app developer’s life easier – e.g. an ORM, Models, Django admin, templates, etc.
8. Laravel: Laravel is a PHP development framework ideal for small websites. It comes with several useful features including the MVC support, object-oriented libraries, Artisan, authorization technique, database migration, etc. Currently, it is one of the most community-supported and community-developed frameworks, and given that PHP has one of the largest communities out there, Laravel is a great tool powering both small websites and large-scale B2B web apps managing millions of transactions daily.
Besides if you do have any questions give me a call:

Answered about 4 years ago

Sofiia Sovchenko


When it comes to choosing the best technology for a web-based project, it really depends on your specific needs and requirements. There are a lot of great options out there, each with its own strengths and suitability for different types of projects.

Some popular choices for web development include technologies like React, Angular, Vue.js, and Django for backend development. Each of these has its own advantages in terms of performance, scalability, and ease of development, so it's essential to consider what features are most important to you.

If you're looking for expert front-end development services to bring your web project to life, I'd recommend checking out Cleveroad's front-end development service: They have a talented team that can help you build a stunning and user-friendly interface for your web application.

Answered 8 months ago