
terry lewis

Web and Mobile Application Design and Development


Owner of tmhr consulting inc. We design and develop custom web and mobile applications including mobile games. Our specialty is integrating web and mobile applications with other systems and data repositories. We help business owners translate and implement their business goals and requirements into real world solutions on time and on budget.

Recent Answers

Unique Selling Point

How do I come up with a unique value proposition (UVP) strategy, when my website has similar services as my competitors?

terry lewis

Web and Mobile Application Design and Development

If you are looking at the same services that your competition is listing then you are highlighting the wrong differentiators. You need to be focusing on the benefits you and your company bring to your customers instead of the features. As they say no one goes to the hardware store to buy a drill they go to the hardware store to buy a drill because they want to make a hole. Take a look at what problems you have solved for your customers. Those are what you need to use to create your UVP. T


We are about to open a funding round on crowd-investing platform - What is your advice to help us reach our funding goal?

terry lewis

Web and Mobile Application Design and Development

From what I have heard from some successful crowd fund raisers. You are better to spend time getting yourself organized before you start your campaign. Make sure you have a least a team of four people and ensure that everyone knows there role and the tasks that they are responsible for.


Whats are some ways to beta test an iOS app?

terry lewis

Web and Mobile Application Design and Development

There is a tool called Daiwa that a number of developers use for beta testing the IOS apps. you have to share your UUID of your device and then they can send you an install link. You can also get added as a tester in Itunes and pre test you app from there. This takes a little more effort to setup and get it to work. Another tool I found that will let you install apps without iTunes is FunBox.

Mobile applications

What is the best and quickest way to learn how to build mobile apps?

terry lewis

Web and Mobile Application Design and Development

I would suggest that you take a look at the courses on They have some very good how to build mobile apps courses. If you are a programmer this should be a great way to get started. You can also look at Chocolate Labs or James Carters BlueCloud courses. You could look at Zapper for a build it yourself without prgramming app system or take a look at Buildbox (they have a monthly subscription but you can only buy it at certain times) for building games.

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