
2 Pitch Decks



Most Founders will have TWO pitch decks on hand for very different purposes:

  • Email Pitch Deck. 10-12 Slides, very brief, just covers the basics.
  • Live Pitch Deck. Longer (if needed), may include demos or deep dive context.

The Email Pitch deck is what we send ahead to investors to just give them a “taste test” of the business. It’s not intended to be comprehensive, it’s intended to be skimmed in just a few minutes so investors can get the gist of what we do. That’s why it should never be longer than 10-12 slides.

The next step, if they believe this opportunity falls into the type of deal they invest in (most don’t), is to have us pitch the opportunity “live” either in-person or online.

Our Live Pitch Deck can be a bit more verbose because we have more time and a captive audience. This is a much better time to do a product demo or do a deep dive on a particular subject.

It’s possible that we can have just one deck, which would be ideal, but if we’re anxious about what we left out in the shorter Email Deck, we can absolutely have 2 decks.

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